
Nightwish/ Eva


by Nightwish/Dark Passion Play

6:30 winter morn
Snow keeps falling, silent dawn
A rose by any other name
Eva leaves her Swanbrook home.

A kindest heart which always made
Me ashamed of my own.
She walks alone but not without her name.

Eva flies away,
Dreams the world far away.
In this cruel children's game
There's no friend to call her name.
Eva sails away,
Dreams the world far away.
The Good in her will be my sunflower field.

Mocked by man to depths of shame
Little girl with life ahead.
For a memory of one kind word
She would stay among the beasts.
Time for one more daring dream
Before her escape, Edenbeam
We kill with her own loving heart.

[Chorus x2]






人總會有一兩個難以解釋的憧憬項目。 這個東西可大可小,可具體可抽象;當然,不同的人、在不同的年齡段,有不同的想法也是很自然的(回頭看一眼書架上的紙膠帶收納盒⋯⋯那真是一段短暫但瘋狂的時光啊╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭ 不過在短暫的紙膠帶熱潮之後,我默默出了坑,卻一轉彎掉進了一個更大的無底洞—— 哈囉~鋼筆的世界在向你招手喔~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


因為個人對色系的偏好,所以不知不覺我的藍色與綠色墨水就佔據了所有墨水的半壁江山⋯⋯ 上一篇介紹完我目前手上有的藍色墨水們,接下來,當然就是綠色系啦(灑花) ※2017/08/18:新增DIAMINE:KELLY GREEN。


對於用筆書寫的人來說,紙,真的是人生大事。 就連印表機,不也都說要用80磅才不卡紙嗎╮(╯▽╰)╭ 所以說,紙,真是個重要的東西啊!!(廢話)