
〔養耳機系列〕民謠系・之二~Celtic Music/Irish Folk/Scottish Folk

說起來,一說起民謠,明明每個地方都有民謠,但是Celtic Music/Irish Folk/Scottish Folk這類的旋律就會不由自主地在腦海中響起,也不知道是不是都是大河之舞的鍋(大笑)

像是Méav、Loreena McKennitt、Cara Dillon、Denean,但是也不全然都是女聲,像是Clannad算是混聲,The High Kings是純男聲,我一直都是很雜食的(挺)

一般我會收的音樂大致可以分做兩類(但也不只如此啦~),一類是安靜悠揚的女聲做主旋律,演奏的器樂從簡單的吉他之類的,到像是鋼琴、提琴、笛(或是風笛)一類的,速度大約是所謂的「如歌的行板」(?ಠ_ಠ)這樣的速度;一類就是歡快許多,像是小酒館裡的祝酒歌,旋律極快,雖然一樣是以提琴、笛(或風笛)、手風琴一類的器樂為背景,但整體就熱鬧許多。但是不管是哪種類型,旋律都很重要,要是不夠“洗腦(?)”我可是不會輕易地收了啊~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

話說一開始找到這個團,也算是誤打誤撞。因為《Song of The Sea(海洋幻想曲)》這個動畫片,裡面三個小老頭(?!)唱的那首歌實在太讓人印象難忘,看完之後就去找了。其實也不算太難,那首歌就是Dúlamán。

【P.S. 在海洋幻想曲裡,這首歌還得接劇情,所以歌詞不太一樣。因為基本上我也不知道這首歌在唱啥⋯⋯查了一下維基,Dúlamán好像就是上面這隻你水管影片裡面的那個海草⋯⋯ಠ_ಠ】

這首歌又是一個很多團體都唱過的歌。以我有收到的部分來說,像是Altan和Omnia(但這個團體偏向異教民謠/新民謠,維基上的資料,該團自我形容為Neoceltic Pagan Folk(!)),分別在1993年的《Island Angel》及2009年的《World of Omnia》都有收錄這首。當然,這個編曲差異非常大,以曲風來說,Clannad比較純樸,裝飾最少;Altan的編曲讓這首本來就很輕快的曲子更顯輕快;Omnia則是加入比較多偏現代(?)的曲風(我覺得應該也只是因為他把鼓和打擊樂這種節拍性很強的的成分提得比較高的緣故,才讓我有這種錯覺吧⋯⋯),也因為是新民謠(?)整體來說,和傳統民謠差異較大,如果只聽民謠,乍聽到這個版本應該會不是很適應吧XD



先不談Omnia(因為我覺得他有點超出本次討論的範圍了),我想先來談談Altan這個團體。其實他大部分的歌我都只是還好,沒有特別喜好,但是其中自然也有那麼幾首我個人非常喜歡的,其中之最,應該要屬Daily Growing,這首出自2002年的《The Blue Idol》。

歌詞大意,就是父親把24歲的女兒嫁給了小她10歲的貴族之子(或是來個某個有權勢的家族),女兒從一開始對父親的埋怨(把自己嫁給一個孩子XD 但父親表示,嫁給幼齒的好啊,等老父親年老死去了他還年輕還可以照顧你很久XD),到最後接受,但是命運開了她一個玩笑,這個14歲娶了她的少年,15歲做了爸爸(?!),但是16歲之前就因病死了(!!)⋯⋯總之是個悲劇故事ಠ_ಠ


Daily Growing

The trees, they grow high and the leaves, they do grow green
Many is the time my true love I've seen
Many an hour I watched him all alone
He's young but he's daily growing

Father, dear father, you've done me great wrong
You have married me to a boy who is too young
I am twice twelve and he is but fourteen
He's young but he's daily growing

Daughter, dear daughter, I've done you no wrong
I have married you to a great Lord's son
And he will be a man for you when I am dead and gone
He's young but he's daily growing

Father, dear father, if you see fit
We'll send him to college for another year yet
I'll tie a blue ribbon all around his head
To let the maidens know that he is married

One day I was looking over my father's castle wall
I spied all the boys playing with a ball
And my own true love, he was the flower of them all
He's young but he's daily growing

And so early in the morning at the dawning of the day
They went into a hayfield for to have some sport and play
And what they did there she never would declare
But she never more complained of his growing

At the age of fourteen he was a married man
At the age of fifteen, the father of my son
At the age of sixteen, his grave, it was green
And death had put an end to his growing

I'll buy my love some flannel, I'll make my love a shroud
And every stitch I put in it, the tears, they'll pour down
And every stitch I put in it, how the tears, they will flow
Cruel fate has put an end to his growing

接下來,我想介紹的是Cara Dillon。這是為愛爾蘭女歌手,她的專輯裡有民謠、也有民謠曲風的自創曲。
她在2001年出的《Cara Dillon(同名專輯)》,這片第一首歌,是Black is the Color(這首就很多人唱過了)⋯⋯這一片裡面我喜歡的曲子不少,像是Blue Mountain River、The Maid of Culmore,還有She's Like The Swallow。

She's Like The Swallow

She’s like a swallow that flies so high,
like a river that never runs dry,
like the sunshine on the lee shore,
She loves her love and love’s no more.

’Tis out in the meadow this fair maid did go,
Picking the lovely primrose,
The more she plucked the more she pulled,
Until she’s got her apron full.

She climbed on yonder hill above,
To give a rose unto her love,
She gave him one, she gave him three,
She gave her heart for company.

And as they sat on yonder hill,
His heart grew hard, so harder still,
He has two hearts instead of one,
She says, young man what have you done.

How foolish, foolish you must be,
To think I loved no one but thee,
This world ’s not made for one alone,
I take delight in everyone.

The Maid of Culmore

Leaving sweet lovely Derry for fair London town,
There is no finer harbour all around can be found,
Where the youngsters each evening go down to the shore,
And the joy bells are ringing for the maid of Culmore.

The first time I saw her she passed me by,
And the next time that I saw her she bid me goodbye,
But the last time I saw her it grieved my heart so,
For she sailed down Loch Foyle and away from Culmore.

If I had the power the storms for to rise,
I would make the wind blow out and I'd darken the skies,
I'd make the wind blow high and the salt seas to roar,
Till the day that my darling sailed away from Culmore.

To the bad parts of America my love I'll go see,
For it's there I know no-one and no-one knows me,
But if I don't find her I'll return home no more,
Like a pilgrim I'll wander for the maid of Culmore.

Blue Mountain River

Blue mountain river, if only for a while,
Take me to the river, I lay down by your side,
The world is full of madness and I find it hard to smile,
I'll sleep within through winter and wait for summertime.

Blue mountain river, comfort me a while,
I 'll follow down the river, follow you til night,
I listen to you whispers, you dance in time to mine,
We'll stay awake together watching silver in the sky.

Blue mountain river, I wanna rest a while,
You're changing my reflection and the seasons in my mind,
Let these days go on forever, I 'll leave in my own time,
Take me where you're going and I 'll be right by your side.

Blue mountain river, I went there for a while,
I listened for an answer and I found it deep inside,
When I'm lost behind the shadows and I wanna run and hide,
My blue mountain river is there right by my side.

Méav,愛爾蘭歌手。我其實只收到了他最早期的《Méav(同名專輯)》(1998年)和《Silver Sea》(2002年)兩張。
裡面我最喜歡的,應該是出自《Méav》的One I Love。這首歌幾乎沒有其他多餘的伴奏,單純只有女聲(和迴音XD都不知道這張在哪裡錄的,居然有這種空間感ಠ_ಠ)

One I Love

One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me
All of my friends fell out with me
Because I kept your company
But let them say whatever they will
I love my love with a free good will

One I love, two she loves
And three she's true to me
They tell me he's poor, they tell me he's young
I tell them all to hold their tongue
If they could part the sand from the sea
They never could part my love from me

One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me
When I'm awake, I find no rest
Until his head lies on my breast
When I'm asleep I'm dreaming of
My own, my dear, my one true love

One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me
When the fire to ice will run
And when the tide no longer turns
And when the rocks melt with the sun
My love for you will have just begun

One I love, two she loves
Three she's true to me
One I love, two she loves
And three she's true to me

同樣也是空靈女聲(?)系的,還有加拿大歌手+豎琴演奏家Loreena McKennitt。他的作品通常都會使用大量的豎琴演奏,搭配空靈的女聲,不管是搭配弦樂還是其他背景墊底的器樂,營造出來的氣氛總有一種朦朧的感覺。說是民謠,偶爾會覺得應該某種程度上也算是New Age?
在2014年,她出了應該算是精選集(?)的《The Journey So Far: The Best of Loreena McKennitt》,收錄的曲子大概算是她作品裡面最常播放(?)的幾首吧。總覺得有好幾首出現在不止一片專輯裡XD

首先是The Mummer's Dance。這首歌第一次出現,應該是在1997年的《The Book of Secrets》。
這首的速度大約是在行版和小快板之間,雖然速度較快,但是樂曲的安排,卻不會覺得是首歡樂的曲子,再搭配Loreena McKennitt的嗓音,是首就像是說故事一般的歌( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

The Mummers' Dance

When in the springtime of the year
When the trees are crowned with leaves
When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
Are dressed in ribbons fair

When owls call the breathless moon
In the blue veil of the night
The shadows of the trees appear
Amidst the lantern light

We've been rambling all the night
And some time of this day
Now returning back again
We bring a garland gay

Who will go down to those shady groves
And summon the shadows there
And tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms
In the springtime of the year

The songs of birds seem to fill the wood
That when the fiddler plays
All their voices can be heard
Long past their woodland days

And so they linked their hands and danced
Round in circles and in rows
And so the journey of the night descends
When all the shades are gone

A garland gay we bring you here
And at your door we stand
It is a sprout well budded out
The work of Our Lord's hand

We've been rambling all the night
And some time of this day
Now returning back again
We bring a garland gay

We've been rambling all the night
And some time of this day
Now returning back again
We bring a garland gay

接下來這首Stolen Child,出自1985年的《Elemental》。歌詞本身來自葉慈的同名詩。

Stolen Child

Where dips the rocky highland
Of sleuth wood in the lake
There lies a leafy island
Where flapping herons wake
The drowsy water rats
There we've hid our fairy vats
Full of berries
And of reddest stolen cherries.

Come away oh human child
To the waters and the wild
With a faery hand in hand
For the world's more full of weeping
Than you can understand

Where the wave of moonlight glosses
The dim grey sands with light
By far off furthest roses
We foot it all the night
Weaving olden dances
Mingling hands and mingling glances
Till the moon has taken flight
To and fro we leap
And chase the frothy bubbles
Whilst the world is full of troubles
And is anxious in its sleep.

Come away oh human child
To the waters and the wild
With a faery hand in hand
For the world's more full of weeping
Than you can understand

Where the wandering water gushes
From the hills above glen car
In pools among the rushes
That scarce could bathe a star
We seek for slumbering trout
And whispering in their ears
Give them unquiet dreams
Leaning softly out
From ferns that drop their tears
Over the young streams

Come away oh human child
To the waters and the wild
With a faery hand in hand
For the world's more full of weeping
Than you can understand

Away with us he's going
The solemned eyed
He'll hear no more the lowing
Of the calves on the warm hillside
Or the kettle on the hob
Sing peace unto his breast
Or see the brown mice bob
Round and round the oatmeal chest.

For he comes, the human child
To the waters and the wild
With a faery hand in hand
For the world's more full of weeping
Than you can understand.

最後這首Down by the Sally Gardens,同樣歌詞也是來自葉慈的同名詩,出自2010年《The Wind That Shakes the Barley》。這首也是N多人唱過XD

Down by the Sally Gardens

It was down by the Sally gardens
My love and I did meet
She crossed the Sally gardens
With little snow-white feet

She bid me to take life easy
As the leaves grow on the tree
But I was young and foolish
And her I did not agree

In a field down by the river
My love and I did stand
And upon my leaning shoulder
She laid her snow-white hand

She bid me take life easy
As the grass grows on the weirs
But I was young and foolish
And now I am full of tears

It was down by the Sally gardens
My love and I did meet
She crossed the Sally gardens
With little snow-white feet

She bid me to take life easy
As the leaves grow on the tree
But I was young and foolish
And her I did not agree

最後的最後,寫得有點長了(明明就都是用貼歌詞混過去XD)我也有點累啦~結束這篇之前,要來分享一個我覺得總是處在前往酒館、酒館裡、喝酒前、喝醉後(偶爾還有些像是宿醉後反應XD)狀態(?!)的團體,The High Kings。這是個有著四名團員的愛爾蘭男聲民謠團體。
底下要來分享的歌曲是The Rocky Road to Dublin,出自2008年《The High Kings(同名專輯)》。這首給我的感覺就是已經在酒館裡喝開了的狀態XDD

【P.S. 在你水管上選了一個應該是現場的影像,啊奇怪,臺下的觀眾女性也太多了吧ಠ_ಠ】

The Rocky Road to Dublin

While in the merry month of May, now from me home I started
Left, the girls of Tuam were nearly broken-hearted
Saluted father dear, kissed me darling mother
Drank a pint of beer, me grief and tears to smother
Then off to reap the corn and leave where I was born
Cut a stout, black thorn to banish ghosts and goblins
A brand-new pair of brogues to rattle over the bogs
And frighten all the dogs on the rocky road to Dublin

A-one, two, three, four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road
And all the ways to Dublin, whack, follol de-dah

In Mullingar that night I rested limbs so weary
Started by daylight next morning blithe and early
Took a drop of pure to keep me heart from shrinking
Thats the Paddy's cure when'er he's on for drinking
To hear the lassies smile, laughing all the while
At me curious style, 'twould set your heart a-bubblin'
They asked me was I hired and wages I required to lay
Was almost tired of the rocky road to Dublin

One, two, three, four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road
And all the ways to Dublin, whack, follol de-dah

In Dublin next arrived, I thought it such a pity
To be so soon deprived a view of that fine city
So then I took a stroll, all among the quality
Bundle it was stolen, in a neat locality
Something crossed me mind, when I looked behind
No bundle could I find upon me stick a-wobblin'
'Quiring after the rogue, said me Connaught brogue
It wasn't much in vogue on the rocky road to Dublin

One, two, three four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road
And all the ways to Dublin, whack, follol de-dah

From there I got away, me spirits never falling
Landed on the quay, just as the ship was sailing
Captain at me roared, said that no room had he
When I jumped aboard, a cabin found for Paddy
Down among the pigs, did some hearty rigs
I played some hearty jigs, the water round me bubbling
When off Holyhead I wished meself was dead
Or better for instead on the rocky road to Dublin

One, two, three four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road
And all the ways to Dublin, whack, follol de-dah

The boys of Liverpool, when we safely landed
Called meself a fool, I could no longer stand it
Blood began to boil, temper I was losing
Poor old Erin's Isle they began abusing
"Hurrah me soul" says I, me Shillelagh I let fly
Galway boys were by and saw I was a hobblin'
With a "lo!" and "hurray!" they joined in the affray
Quickly cleared the way for the rocky road to Dublin

One, two, three four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road
And all the ways to Dublin, whack, follol de-dah

⋯⋯以上~今天就先到這裡啦~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ





人總會有一兩個難以解釋的憧憬項目。 這個東西可大可小,可具體可抽象;當然,不同的人、在不同的年齡段,有不同的想法也是很自然的(回頭看一眼書架上的紙膠帶收納盒⋯⋯那真是一段短暫但瘋狂的時光啊╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭ 不過在短暫的紙膠帶熱潮之後,我默默出了坑,卻一轉彎掉進了一個更大的無底洞—— 哈囉~鋼筆的世界在向你招手喔~( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


因為個人對色系的偏好,所以不知不覺我的藍色與綠色墨水就佔據了所有墨水的半壁江山⋯⋯ 上一篇介紹完我目前手上有的藍色墨水們,接下來,當然就是綠色系啦(灑花) ※2017/08/18:新增DIAMINE:KELLY GREEN。


對於用筆書寫的人來說,紙,真的是人生大事。 就連印表機,不也都說要用80磅才不卡紙嗎╮(╯▽╰)╭ 所以說,紙,真是個重要的東西啊!!(廢話)